Thursday, November 26, 2009

today is turkey day.

and i have to work.

buuut, before i go here are a couple of things i'm thankful for.
-i know i've been nonstop complaining about working at walgreens, but yesterday i got my first paycheck and it was glorious. and it was much MUCH more than i expected it to be. i just wanted to rip it out of my managers hand and go christmas shopping right then and there. so, even though it's shitty, i'm very thankful to have a job and a paycheck.
-i'm thankful for nathan mckinney. and i hope we're life partners forever. 4 1/2 years of friendship and 1 1/2 years of crazy wacky dateship. loooooove you.
-i'm thankful for april d. ridner. and i hope we're best friends forever. 8+ years of friendship. luh you.
-i'm thankful for my sister, my brother-in-law and their baby jonas. the cutest baby in the galaxy.
-i'm thankful for new friendships. hey heather!
-i'm also kinda thankful for having to work today so i don't eat way way waaaaay too much.

black friday shopping in the morning. kinda scared. i've never been. and don't really know what to expect. i just hope someone doesn't try to stab me over a television set. i just wanna find some good deals!

i have to get ready for work now. have a happy turkey day!

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