This last week has been really weird for me. It seemed like every day i had was a bad one, i couldn't get out of my funk. I was sleeping a lot later in the day than i normally do, not really following my daily routines. Me and Nathan got into a gross fight, and i ended up getting my feelings hurt pretty bad. Sunday, i had the entire day off work, and i woke up feeling like crap. I told my roommates that i was emotionally and physically under the weather, and we spent the entire day laying in bed and watching movies.
And then the week was completely over. Almost entirely wasted.
I've been second-guessing myself a lot here lately, especially when it comes to this blog. I feel like i've kind of lost my voice as a blogger, and i'm having trouble seeing why i really do this. I've always wanted to have a blog, and write, and connect with people, but it seems like a lot of my posts are forced, and i'm sure you can see that too. I've been trying lots of new things, like Wednesday Wishes and Friday Favorites, but i always end up getting stressed out because i never know what to wish for, or i can't think of what my favorite things are right off the top of my head. I don't feel like i'm connecting with anyone.
I feel like a lot of the things that i'm interested in aren't things are are popular in the blogger world, and that's completely fine. But i want to post about those things, and i want to find other bloggers who enjoy those same things. I guess i'm having a hard time finding my "crowd."
I'm not trying to be pathetic. This is just how i feel and there isn't any use in trying to cover it up with a daily outfit post. (although, those are fine too!) This is just something i wanted to get off my chest.
And here's a print i really love, so this post isn't just me complaing.
you can find it here.
xoxo, kara