Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Favorites!

Today has been a really fun, non-stop day. Me and April ventured up to Lexington, she had some business to take care of and then afterwards we went shopping, and of course it was a bust. I didn't find any "jeggings". I did happen to buy just about one of everything in the home department of Target though. They had so much cute stuff, and for soooo cheap!

Anyways, moving right along...

Friday Favorites!
Star Wars: The Trilogy.
1. Han Solo being his sexy self.

2. Little Luke Skywalker. So precious.

3. Badass Princess Leia.

4. The whole gang.

I'll tell you what, they just don't make movies like they used to.
xoxo, kara


  1. American Eagle has some really cute "jeggings"
    :) i just saw them tonight!

  2. Star Wars.
    ANOTHER Star Wars fan!
    I absolutely ADORE this post:)
    and I am so, so, so glad I came across your lovely blog.
    makes me smile.


    I bought my bf 3 Star Wars t-shirts...:D
    I only have 1:(

  3. Scout! Yes, i love star wars! I'd happen to consider it one of the greatest things that's ever been created!
