Thursday, August 12, 2010

First off, i'd like to apologize for my lack of posting. Since my little hospital/emergency room visit, i haven't been able to get feeling 100% better. I was working late night shifts at my work, but as of late, they've started working me day shifts. My body hasn't adjusted well to the change, and i'm constantly non-stop tired. No matter how much sleep i get, i'm tired. It doesn't make any difference. I'm just tired, tired, tired.

I'm so excited for fall. It has been about 300 million degrees in Kentucky every single day for about, literally 25 days now. It's too damn hot for just about anything. I've been doing a lot of online browsing for fall clothes. I whipped up a couple of polyvore sets to show you what i'm interested in.

I really like to dress like a lumberjack.

xoxo, kara


  1. I love the sweater and the hat in the second one!! Since I'll be hugely pregnant in the fall, I'm looking for comfy sweaters to wear.

  2. Ugh! I can't WAIT for the fall! the humidity here is just so intense and I can't wait for the cold weather.
    I love layering dresses for fall, so comfy!

  3. Shea - you mean perfectly pregnant!

    courtney - the humidity is killer down in the kentucky. i seriously feel like i'm melting every single day. I HATE SUMMER TIME.
